guys.. (go back »)

July 28 2007, 8:59 PM

Okay.. i need some advice

i have this boyfriend and hes really great its just lately its been really hard to hang out.. we used to text all the time but i went over MAJORLY and got it taken away for awile.. we talk on the phone and stuff but is always like really hard to find time to hang out.. it hasnt been that long since we started dating but i like him and i don't know what to do.. should we end it or find a way to make it work..


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ummm if u want something, try to get it 110%. if i were u i will make him realize how hot, sexy, bold i can be to the point that he won't let go of me. anyways i don't guarantee it would work but at least u tried. it all about how much pain u can take. if u did ur part of the relationship and nothing hapens, try to talk to him. if it still doesn't work then let him go. u did ur 110% and if u didn't get ur 110% from him let him go before u get hurt more.

Posted by kenshinx001 on Jul 31, 07 11:10 am

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  • Female
  • 16 years old


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